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Welcome to the Atlantic City Expressway Third Lane Widening Project Website

To improve the overall traffic operations and general safety, the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) is advancing the Final Design Phase of the widening of the Atlantic City Expressway (ACE). The project will add a third lane in each direction from milepost (MP) 31.6 (Interchange 31) to the western terminus at State Route 42 MP 44.2 (Interchange 44) in Washington Township, Gloucester County, and Gloucester and Winslow Township, Camden County.

Upon the completion of this project, the entire ACE corridor will be a continuous third-lane section. The project will include the improvement of two mainline bridges over Route 42 and two mainline bridges over the Great Egg Harbor River, and the widening of the Rt 42 Bridge over Sicklerville Road.

The project will provide operational and safety improvements for future travelers while aiming to minimize environmental, right-of-way, and structural impacts. Input will be obtained through out the project process from the traveling public, stakeholders, and local officials.

Project Progress

Initial Stakeholder & Public Information Center

Initial Public Comment Period

Selection of Preliminary Preferred Alternative

Environmental Clearances

Advance Preliminary Preferred Alternative

Conduct Preliminary Engineering

Continued Public Outreach & Involvement

Finalize Design and develop Construction Documents

Secure all Environmental Permits

Advertise, Bid and Award Contracts for Construction

Continued Public Outreach & Involvement

Implement & Complete Construction

No Long-Term Detours Anticipated

Two Lanes to be Maintained Each Way

Continued Public Outreach & Involvement

*Notes current phase of project.